SuperSpeed Golf News

Golf Channel - Kuiper: Train Fast To Swing Fast
Watch Kuiper: Train fast to swing fast. lead coach Jason Kuiper demonstrates how to add several miles per hour to your swing speed. Your browser does not support iframes.
Golf Channel - Kuiper: Train Fast To Swing Fast
Watch Kuiper: Train fast to swing fast. lead coach Jason Kuiper demonstrates how to add several miles per hour to your swing speed. Your browser does not support iframes.

MyGolf Spy Community Case Study
Click here to see 7 MyGolf Spy tester's results from long term SuperSpeed training
MyGolf Spy Community Case Study
Click here to see 7 MyGolf Spy tester's results from long term SuperSpeed training

Golf Content Network: SuperSpeed Story
Our very own MICHAEL NAPOLEON was featured on Golf Content Network. Click here to read the article
Golf Content Network: SuperSpeed Story
Our very own MICHAEL NAPOLEON was featured on Golf Content Network. Click here to read the article

Golficity Podcast: OverSpeed Training
The SuperSpeed team stops by the Golf Podcast to talk about the science behind OverSpeed training.
Golficity Podcast: OverSpeed Training
The SuperSpeed team stops by the Golf Podcast to talk about the science behind OverSpeed training.

How is Phil Mickleson hitting it so far?
Practical Golf details how Phil used SuperSpeed to increase his distance, click here to read the article
How is Phil Mickleson hitting it so far?
Practical Golf details how Phil used SuperSpeed to increase his distance, click here to read the article